Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My fans are considered Comrad Ambassadors, as FANS could indicate my huge ego needing people that are considered FANS, which is actually an abbreviation of FANATICS. I consider those interested in my work and shared vision comrads, not fanatics.

The webinar that drew me to listening through Ladies Who Launch was about promotion of books and creating a platform upon which to announce the book and introduce myself to the world. The good news is all the homework they assigned I had already done: create website, twitter, blog and network up, finding the places people hang out who are likely to be interested in the Che Guevara experience I have been living for 3 years now.

It's difficult spending so much time on the computer and not view it as recreational, but to actually feel like I am WORKING. I was never into networking, Myspacing, Tweeting, and all that, because it felt like senseless play and time wasting when I can be more productive finishing projects. This IS my project now and shifting into that mode is taking a little time. For instance I happened across a network called Experience Project, which took great patience to set up and navigate through, but I persevered and met just one person so far with which a connection has been established and Comrad Ambassadorship has been accepted. She seems like a wonderful person, sensitive, loving and is truly a revolutionary with the frustration of being ineffective in assisting the oppressed, suppressed and establishing some justice in a world full of injustice. Unity with those of like mind is the first step to not feeling outnumbered and powerless regarding making a positive change.

I have been directed by the same unseen companion force that has guided me to Argentina to experience the initial opening of my being to that which was waiting for my arrival, to research screenplay writing software. I have found the industry standard and will acquire it and learn it. I have also been directed to compile the journals noting my life adventure since the time of the publication of DIARIES until present. The books are compiled and there are four fat books filled with what followed in my life after the integration of the Che energetic matrix into mine, and what has been going on since then in this regard.

Upon a lightning bolt of clarity before sleep one night after posing the question with pure heart and no doubts or fears, 'what is my connection with Che Guevara why this entire experience is with me and not another?'

The answer came charging through me as did Che's initial energy blast when he broke through the dimensional web and into me. It involves his journey in 1952 to the San Pablo Leprosy Colony in Peru, and my life in that colony. Without going into detail in this blog, my research shows the dates line up with my experience with him in that colony, my death after the birth of having his first son, and my incarnation into this life now. The issues born with me in this life to heal, parallel what that young woman from the colony would have felt and experienced at the time of her death. My son from that life is now 2 years older than me, lives there and is leprosy free. I know this may sound crazy to the more conventional friends/family I have, or any persons reading this that know me not at all, but the judgments and opinions in this regard have no effect on the validity of this information or the story in general.

In looking up the San Pablo Colony online, it is one of two still existing in the world. In these modern times, much of their medical evaluations and assistance comes from dermatological telemedicine. I happen to have a very close comrad who's been my friend for over 10 years that is both a dermatologist that has worked with leprosy in clinics and is a founding father of telemedicine and practices in this regard for the prison system. He is also an esteemed Professor at a major University here in California, which will remain unmentioned to protect him from potential public fallout from limited minds who may read this.

I sense he and I will be visiting this isolated colony in the jungles of Peru, and it will be very interesting to see if the area evokes a familiarity with me from this most recent of past lives. It feels like fact, not fantasy, and is, of course difficult if not impossible to prove overall. But, I am following my instincts and my heart, which over the years in this life, have never lead me astray or in the direction to make wrong experiences, NOT listening to that HAS lead me to make decisions that created pain and suffering. Of course, pain and suffering are merely tools for growth. One does not grow spiritually from sitting in a rose garden sipping tea endlessly, basking in the happiness that we all experience for finite time periods. The moments of bliss are fleeting, and we are on this planet to learn and to refine our spirits. We grasp at those moments and try like hell to make them last at all costs, and during that grasping, it slips through our fingers and we spent the whole timeframe of the bliss gift grasping, not basking. I have learned to sit down in that rose garden when these magical moments come to me, and allow myself to feel the Divine embrace because it IS a gift and it IS fleeting.

Much love to my comrads.....Ave Guevara