NANNIES that TELL ALL in their 15 seconds of fame tabloid trash articles compromise the integrity of such an important position. In other words: IT GIVES NANNIES A BUM RAP....between the "tell all" and the ones having affairs with the famous dads of their charges, these bitches ought not be given the honor of having their trash read.
ANGELINA JOLIE is on the top of their list currently. The world is just itching to get their negative judgments regarding this incredible actor confirmed. The nanny on the TELL ALL stage piping how Angelina is too busy for her children ought to be tarred and feathered and the tabloids should have boycotted this persons malevolent gossip.
Of course Angelina is busy - that is why she hires nannies. This does not mean she is a bad mother. So what she gushes about her daughter---she's an adoring mother who's children fill her life. So what she and Brad have disagreements and even, God forbid....have a fight!! Doesn't everyone in a relationship have this occur? So what she was a wild child? By seeing how her life is going with the choices she is making as an adult everyone should be inspired, not critical of her past shenanigans and how she came through that phase and now shines on many stages.....point is SHE GREW OUT OF A NATURAL PHASE OF GROWING UP!
Is the world so quick to want her to fail because they are all jealous of her extreme beauty, her grace, her accomplishments and her global lifestyle?
Just look at the fun, action packed movies she entertains us with, or provokes thought and opens our eyes to issues that would go unnoticed save for the films she gives the world.
So what her children run a little wild!!! Who's children are NOT a little wild! What she does in her home with her family is none of our business. For someone in the the ultimate position of trust to turn around and TELL ALL is displaying extreme lack of integrity on this person's part....and they demonstrate their willingness to BETRAY the one who entrusted her.
It gives nannies a bad name, a bum rap, and diminishes the integrity of this position. SHAME ON YOU, and anyone else that is trusted by a parent to care for their children and then go and sell a story that is probably chock full of misinformation, exaggerations and flat out lies.
Monday, October 18, 2010
angelina jolie,
brad pitt,
johnny depp,
nannies tell all,
people magazine,
shiloh jolie-pitt,
The Tourist
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

is the symbol of strength of spirit and empowerment through unity.
The 33rd RESCUE
is the year of Christ Consciousness being awakened within us by the spark ignited from experience with life on earth, initiating a SHIFT within each soul, that spark comes straight from the Source. We can choose at that juncture to fan the spark into a raging fire of Divine Light, warming our souls within the embrace of That Which Is Sacred.....and share this light and peace with those we meet......or simply let the spark diminish into the shadows of our ignorance, and feed the ignorance with more of the same mediocrity that has been offered us.
What is the choice going to be? We have this choice every day, with every experience we encounter, day in and day out. We choose to fan the flames, and it seems, life will still throw a bucket of water upon it. We rekindle that flame and let that water serve only to quench our thirst in our quest for God Consciousness. Then it seems life is capable of attacking us with a super heavy duty industrial strength fire extinguisher - it could come in the form of despair ~ from yet another of life's events. But the spark remains within the safety of the middle of your heart. CAN YOU FEEL ITS RADIANCE STILL?
We all are intrigued by the sojourn of the THIRTY THREE MINERS because their plight represents our OWN inner confinement within the depths of shadow and doubt and worry and fear. Will I be rescued? How many times have YOU given up? Can I be rescued? I know I gave up many times. May I be rescued? But in those moments of giving up, there is a letting go, and then the spark radiates more warmth ~ it beckons us. FIRE IT UP ~ fire up the strength of spirit TO NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR RESCUE. Prayer can help establish a focus, but it takes ACTION to bring about an actual rescue. This is the combination open to us with each occurrence in life that feels like a bucket of water on our fire. PRAYER in the form of VISUALIZING the results you wish to see....whether it is for yourself or for those 33 miners in South America.
The media wants to own those miners now, with all its tentacles - books, films, talk shows, deals, deals & more deals. They will throw money at them to try to own them. WHY????
Because the masses are hungry to read, view, watch and hear about anyone out there who survives coming up from the depths of darkness - whether it is a mine, an addiction or a tragedy. We long to hear the GOOD ENDING. We wish to own what it is our spirit needs ~ freedom ~ liberation from darkness....But this my friends, money cannot buy. Strength of Spirit cannot be bought, it cannot be owned......but it CAN be realized~you already HAVE IT, and it can be utilized~you can be rescued from the harrowing darkness and come up and out into the light and fresh air. Visualize your rescue!
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