This is a day for us all to be grateful (well, every day is, but especially today) for our lives and all our blessings, then focus our thoughts and prayers for those people in Haiti. Donations can be made to
I could not sit and enjoy my coffee knowing of the suffering this moment of so many in this poor country. The Red Cross had issued requests for just a $10 donation
Any activity you partake in today, please, PLEASE focus healing light around this country and make this small donation. As a unified circle of friends and family, if we all make this small contribution, we will be making a difference on some level to help this situation. I made a donation despite reading of the millions of dollars being contributed from governments worldwide. I did have a moment of hesitation thinking, "what would my $20 do when the governments are pledging millions?" - but I did not let that limiting thought stop me from doing it anyway.
I just wish I could go over and help comfort someone personally and make a photographic documentary so others may gain perspective of the blessings in their lives. Despite our own economic woes imposed upon us by the mismanagement of our tax dollars and trust in the financial institutions that put so many American people into debt with loans that eventually took their homes and businesses we still have much to be thankful for. And while we're at it, let us focus on the worldwide suffering imposed on the innocents from these endless wars that benefit no one in the long run. When you think about it and reflect upon the history of man, when HASN'T there been a war? And to what end have any of those wars benefited any citizen, any mother, any child? Peace is so much more beneficial to all societies, yet those in power or those wanting more power, engage in warfare and have always engaged in warfare at the expense of the innocents.
It is a day to pray for us all. Every day really is, but let this catastrophe be a catalyst to bring us all together in mind, heart and spirit as we reflect on our own gifts and project out our thoughts of prayer to Haiti.
By prayer I don't mean begging to some entity outside ourselves for mercy, change or help, but to gather and focus on the power and strength within each of us, the clarity we were born with, to unite with this energy and embrace ourselves, loved ones and others we don't know in this energy. This is prayer. It is not about religion. In the name of man made religion countless lives have been taken or tortured or both, and continue to be taken and tortured. This is madness.
The madness can only stop in our own minds and actions. Let us practice using our inherent powers that united, is greater than any war machine or the collective greed and love of power of governmental institutions. Let us take our power back, that was never really taken away, as it cannot be taken away, we are only lead to believe we are powerless, and beliefs are both distracting and used against us. We must believe in the power we each possess that was given to us from That Which Created All.
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