NATURE sustains, nurtures, inspires and FEEDS all Creations on Earth. Despite societal impositions of massive imbalance onto all levels of life who's details are not necessary to list here-- if one simply takes a moment to align with that which is NATUR-All, one will be nourished, inspired and rejuvenated.
In the spring I had the pleasure to walk down the lane of a plum tree blossom extravaganza, pictured above. Mornings found Cheyana and me standing beneath the canopy of blossoms basking in nature's power to rejuvenate simply by 'being'. There was no sense of having to be anywhere else to get anything done in these moments. Color therapy in it's natural state has enormous power to nurture the human spirit.
Now we walk early mornings down this lane to stand beneath a canopy of deep purple foliage laden with plums, one tree with a purple fruit the size of a large cherry, the other with a plumper fruit of golden purple with blush pink overtones. Both varieties are succulent and sweet. I feast on them every morning and evening during our walks, and Cheyana mulls around my feet sniffing the ground with a palatable serenity about her demeanor. We just hang out, basking in the lovely solitude of each others company beneath these amazing trees. As the trees are saturated with fruit, I am saturated with gratitude and I feast upon them.
The other morning beneath these trees, I had the pleasure to experience the refreshing guidance from the other dimension that I had been sorely missing. I 'realized' the rarity of this exquisite communication was due to my own static mind these past months. But with the balancing out of my biological chemistry through the wonders of modern medicine, a calm has come over me that allows me to 'receive' the beautiful 'words' that came to me often while still 'living' the book I was to write, THE CHE DIARIES.
I am stepping into a renewed sense of energetic resonance, complete with the joys of a newly broadened perspective. This renewal is the result of months and months of focused intent to work through the shift that always disguises itself as a perception of crisis, be it mid-life or 'anytime-of-life' event. Life is fraught with these shifts and are very difficult to get through to the other side safely, and not be prescribed a lifetime course of some heavy duty medication (which is sometimes required), incarceration or hospitalization (which are paths some people's shifting results in), or dead (which is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, aka suicide).
I already went through the medication phase at the onset of this shift a couple of years prior, and have gone through the labyrinth of discovery of what the organic issue was and seeking balance of it through a variety of healing modalities. My hard work paid off eventually, but not before I endured long, hard trials, sometimes feeling myself lost to the battle of the darkness that threatened me everyday on all levels of my existence. I won't go into the details of this battle herein, but it is all chronicled for an eventual literary project.
Today is about focusing on the blossoms and the fruit and how sweet life presents itself to be when the perspective returns to its original state of being. My prayers of alignment go out to all who's eyes may come across this blog and take the time to read it...to all those searching for the flashlight they have dropped along their darkened trail of Consciousness Shifting. These shifts are necessary to grow closer to the light....even though when in the middle of it, one may curse the light itself along with the day they were born into this world.
May these words inspire you that the fruit comes back onto the tree after it's long winter of going within. Be as the fruit tree, that is a living example. Keep searching for the flashlight while knowing you can adjust your eyes to the darkness until it is found....and DON'T GIVE UP BRAVE WARRIOR!
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