It's not that I'm making fun of the catastrophic event those poor people (and animals - I mean what happened to all their pets???) endured in Japan, but with the week I'm having, I find myself wishing I was surfing off the Nuclear Coast 3/11/11.
So the latest headlines are the experts advising people around the Fuckedushima Nuke plant to not drink the tap water. Do we really need experts to advise such a thing??? Experts also picked up radiation in spinach and dairy from the farms around the Fuckedus Nuke plant. Shocking. And "no way"- the experts soothingly lied, were there going to be any radiation particles hitting the U.S., as it would be "dispersed as it traveled across the expanse of the Pacific Ocean" - well GUESS WHAT???
Yup, highway 1 south of Carmel dropped into the drink a few days ago - and they're trying to tell us it's because of the rainfall. We all know it's radiation particles settling on the pavement, weighing it down....yeah it was aggravated by rainfall~perhaps~~
but who believes these idiots called EXPERTS or OFFICIALS?
I'm having issues with this damn ITALICS button. Once you hit italics, you're STUCK with it. Please note, dearest reader following, that I only wanted the word PERHAPS to be italicized. That bold face button sometimes gives me a hard time as well. But, when I think of the suffering on the planet in so many places right now, these little buttons don't throw me off too badly.
Ok, whew. I just POUNDED on that italics button and snapped it out of having a mind of it's own, after all, who's blog is this anyway? Oh my GAWD, it snapped back into italics mode without my doing a thing! WTF-ever.
Let's just talk for a moment, shall we, about the level of intelligence of those who planned to build not one, but MORE THAN ONE nuclear power plant on the most active seismic fault line on the planet. Yes, they were made to withstand quakes - but did they really have the arrogance/stupidity (I get those two mixed up) to think no way would a tsunami follow an ass kicking earthquake????? Can we count how many nuclear power plants are built on active faults? (Hang on) Google can't answer that question, but I am sharing the below findings with y'all :
What?!! They Built the Largest Nuclear Power Plant on an Earthquake Fault Line? offbeat news” />
The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant, closed since Monday following the major earthquake in the north of Japan is now known to be placed directly above a significant geological fault line. This line was thought to be inactive until it caused Monday’s earthquake, measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale.
The world’s largest nuclear power plant has been closed indefinitely, as it was designed only to cope with earthquakes of a magnitude up to 6.5. The quake has caused a number of accidents at the plant, calling into question its safety. Mildly radioactive water leaked into the sea whilst four hundred barrels of radioactive waste toppled over, 40 of them spilling their contents. There were, in total, fifty malfunctions at the plant following the earthquake.
Ok, just found THAT! Oops, the font changed, there.....back to Verdana. Then there's the nuke plant on a fault line 35 miles north of, you guessed it MANHATTAN.
LOS ANGELES – Two years before an immense coastal earthquake plunged Japan into a nuclear crisis, a geologic fault was discovered about a half-mile from a California seaside reactor – alarming regulators who say not enough has been done to gauge the threat to the nation’s most populous state. (So they're saying they built the plant and THEN checked for faults, OK, I'm down with that - so are all of us - we are all going down BECAUSE of that)
The situation of the Diablo Canyon plant is not unique. Across the country, a spider’s web of faults in the Earth’s crust raises questions about earthquakes and safety at aging nuclear plants, amplified by horrific images from Japan, where nuclear reactors were crippled by a tsunami caused by a 9-magnitude quake.
The Indian Point Energy Center, for example, lies near a fault line 35 miles north of Manhattan; on Wednesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered a safety review at the plant. (And will they share with us the findings that none of these plants are safe???)
But none of the questions are more pressing than in quake-prone California, where about 10 powerful shakers – stronger than magnitude 7 – have hit since 1900.
At issue at Diablo Canyon is not what is known, but what is not.
Well, I hope you are all comforted, fans, friends, followers of this blog, I hope I've eased your mind. Now the terrorists can back off, because we are going to nuke ourselves. Makes you want to turn on all your lights and use your curling iron now, doesn't it? And what about all those car dealerships who's closed lots are lit up like ball fields all night? EVERY SINGLE BEACON is on lighting up those cars to generate the consumer's lust to buy, buy, buy.
When will Americans WAKE THE "F" UP and realize that those light switches, though easy to operate and annoying and difficult to switch back off when not being used, are blood on every hand ??? They have built nuke plants to satisfy the addiction to massive and unnecessary abuse of electricity. And to think all this started with a scientist flying a kite with a key in a storm. Ol' Ben is probably rolling over in his grave.