HEAR YE, HEAR YE: Learning that obesity in America is rampant, even epidemic, and that the 'cause' of obesity comes from the individual subconsciously insulating themselves due to sexual abuse endured as a child, then this would give an idea about how many children have been sexually abused in this country in just the last generation.
DISCLAIMER: Now, don't everyone get their feathers in a ruffle if your child is obese....I'm not suggesting every case is due to this. When we see those kids walking down the street shoving junk food in their face with an obese parent doing the same, their condition is not necessarily indicative of having been sexually abused.
HOWEVER, I have stated in a past blog on THE BIGGEST LOSERS, my disgust over this being such a popular show and how there are so many shows, advertisements, articles, etc., focusing on BIG PEOPLE, that people of moderate stature are simply tired of being subjected to this at every turn. I for one, who has always been mindful of what I eat being directly related to how my body will look and feel, am tired of receiving spam on how to shed those extra pounds. It is assumed that everyone with an email account is OBESE.
So, with no further adieu, I simply wanted to suggest the correlation between obesity as a defense mechanism for a person that endured sexual abuse as a child and that even if half the cases were a result of this dreadful act, than it is the abuse that is/was rampant in this country. I for one, was appalled to learn that some people I knew were abused by a friend of their father's, a brother or a grandfather, etc.
It is SEXUAL ABUSE of children that is epidemic, and obesity is a side effect of that child trying to protect itself. Some just grow up and hide it, having a moderate stature, others wind up with severe depression for which they self medicate either with alcohol, resulting in alcoholism, or drug use, resulting in abuse of these substances as well.
WE MUST pay attention to this, I don't know what any of us can do about it, as the protection for children against such evils doesn't seem to exist. Even little BABY PETER in the U.K., screamed when the visitation with his dad was over and was being handed back to the mother who allowed him to be tortured to death both at her hand, and the hands of her boyfriend. There was a baby who was seen over 62 times by the child protective service and all those times he had severe injuries. Ultimately, he died of those injuries after being handed back to those abhorrent individuals yet again. His face and his story will forever haunt me. To read about this, just visit my site on ALL VOICES. You probably won't want to though, because it will haunt you too. I had to make myself do it for PETER. He is only one case of all that are occurring right now, in this instant, as you are reading this blog.
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