GOOD MORNING from the EL CHE CAFE! This new day has brought relief from the dark portal through which I have been trekking. When in such a portal, it's like the radio waves/cell reception from one's higher self cannot be received, as the signal cannot penetrate the darkness. Hence, we tumble like a fallen surfer in the wave.
This passage has taught me to remember many things: at the onset of this 'adventure', I was informed with the other Reiki students that following our initiations, there is what is called a
21-day cleanse. This means that for the 21 days following the initiation into the intent to heal oneself so to assist with the healing of others within the 'wings' of the Reiki channel. The symptoms of this vary from pleasant moments or visiting one's personal depths of HELL. My experience was the latter of these two extremes, with not a moment of the former so far.
"The LIGHT (of Reiki) is already within us already, but now we are CHOOSING the path of healing, ourselves and others, and by that intention and through the power of the Reiki initiations, our channel is exponentially stronger, which means whatever issues, challenges or old patterns that have been in the realm of the subconscious has the opportunity to come to the surface and if it feels right you may re-experience an old hurt or a past bitterness or disappointment that has needed your attention for a long time. Then it can be released into the Reiki wave, but you may have to feel it first. None of us like that part!" - the teacher further writes in this recommendation -- "I'd rather just get the awareness and move on, but it has been my experience that some things actually take a life of their own, and sabotage other areas."
So this is the essence of the cause of this HELL WEEK (or weeks as this is) I have chosen to look at as a portal. It will be a NEW & IMPROVED me that emerges, because I am processing some ancient stuff that I actually tried to process correctly as I went to avoid a huge pile of un-closed issues & stuff. The last time I had every last piece of subconscious muck hit me all at the same time, ironically, was the head injury sustained in that car-crash that in my previous blog shared that I learned can impose a bipolar condition in a person that does not previously have it. (Genetic predisposition to depression disorders can make such an imposition happen in from head trauma). This fact made me feel better for about five minutes during my trek thru said HELL. I'll never forget the overwhelm at feeling all this stuff at once. The brain is designed, I had learned, to process things as it goes, and not have it all heaped on you at once. This causes TILT to take over. TILT mode sucks. It is the paralysis catalyst.
Reading this Reiki Cleanse letter, visiting the Naturopathic clinic, learning the cause of the bipolar condition in my case, being under the wing of my Reiki teacher through this, and having much success and ah-ha moments with Louise Hauck with whom I have been apprenticing for 6 weeks, all are great guideposts along this perilous journey to ensure that the ME that emerges from this REIKI PURIFICATION will have been well worth all this darkness to endure.
I can share another interesting little tidbit that adds to the intensity of it all. Although I have not shared on any public platform the continuing adventures of my relationship with the one my book introduced to any of you that has read it, or know me personally, this REIKI has had an effect on the healing mechanisms within his energetic matrix that have also been felt through my energetic matrix. We are the energetic partners in healing. My REIKI teacher even saw his eyes look at her during the fourth initiation into this first level. She had never heard of this person's earthly incarnation either. It's not a light matter to accommodate a healing of a being on another dimension. It also had an eye opening effect of this wise and incredible sage who is my teacher to realize my initiation with her was illustrating that REIKI actually can initiate the power with one who has already passed.
Sound too far out there for any of you? Think that these could be the ramblings of yet another bipolarly imbalanced disordered mid-life crisis, empty nest, post-meno woman who has no mortal partner, but would rather entertain in the safety of one without an actual body? All the more reason you should order up THE CHE DIARIES, continue to read my blog, be willing to look at the limitations your judgments and opinions of what is unknown to you and be open to allowing your own childlike imagination guide that stodgy old adult you believe you have become and entertain the possibility that just maybe, what you believe could be not it at all.
After the initial absolute-too weird for even me- line of thinking. After throwing the oars out of the raft, that kept me rowing as hard as I could AGAINST the flow of the river of life because I was told I had to to be a good person. After finally getting it that you can have fun flowing with the current which will make our life easier. After finally believing that 'you can have a joyous life and you don't have to continue struggling'.......the pressure has lifted. I'm getting to day 21 of the ass-kicking purification. Bring on the JOY!
OOPS...Ave here to say in the second paragraph w/lt blue font, error to be corrected is sentence incomplete that is: 21 DAY CLEANSE. THIS MEANS THAT FOR THE 21 DAYS FOLLOWING THE INITIATION.... (at the end of that line, the complete thought would say...) "ONE COULD EXPECT TO EXPERIENCE VERY UNCOMFORTABLE PURIFICATION SYMPTOMS." (Then the next sentence would make sense. I HAVE TRIED TO EDIT THIS, BUT I NEED SOME TECH ADVICE.