It's the COUNT DOWN to two big events: The Royal Wedding and Ave's NEWS FAST. That's right folks.....my addiction to on-line news is going COLD TURKEY.
With a cup of steaming coffee topped with frothed breve flavored with organic vanilla, I set myself down to the trusty Mac and peruse the news of the world several times per day...one would think I have a huge financial portfolio who's balances change with whatever activities occur in the course of the day all over the globe - but NO.....it's a simple addiction. One I intend to not only BREAK, but blog about the withdrawl.
What will replace this time spent viewing news? I will WRITE~DRAW~PAINT~PUBLISH~PHOTOGRAPH~PHOTOSHOP the Photographs~and maybe even EXERCISE! The sky is not the limit with the option of training to be an astronaut. "Houston, we could have a problem!"
It will be an interesting study to see exactly what transpires in my life, and to take some of the pressure off the new ROYAL COUPLE, Wils and Kate, I will make this process public for global consumption. Maybe the tabloids and paparazzi will re-focus onto my nothingness and give their everythingness a break. It could be for an interesting read - moreso than the overdone celebrity lifestyles of over consumption, rehabilitation, criminal activities, etcetera....
My fast begins after the Royal Wedding......why???.....well, because that will be the last hurrah of news addiction substance that I will not deny myself the pleasure of reading about. " With so much suffering on the planet," you say, "why would anyone want to read about something as shallow, decadent, tax-payer wasting and irrelevant as a ROYAL WEDDING?" The answer is a simple question: how will my saturating myself with the sufferings of the world assist in my being a sorely needed bright spot of consciousness? I am sensitive enough to the global and local suffering of people, plants and animals without reading about only that also! Of course I read about that aspect of our media lies - and it does not help my consciousness lighten up.
As an empath and intuitive, I tell you this: I had a dream of a tornado and then the tornado epidemic began the next day. The one in my dream looking exactly like the one they caught on film. And no, all tornadoes do not look alike. The visual of it in my dream is still vivid. I experienced a very intense two day seismic headache and then the Japanese quake and tsunami happened. These are only two on a very unnerving list of how I am effected without viewing any news.
Does anyone out there get seismic headaches? I have for years. I first noticed it after my car crash in 97.... but that's when I first put together that a certain type of headache lasting two to four days always happened before a huge seismic event that effected people. The EFFECTS PEOPLE is the key.....as we all know, seismic activity is constant and daily there are many quakes.....the Chilean quake and Indonesian quakes also were preceded by my experiencing a certain kind of very painful, sharp and intense headache unlike migraine or ones caused by tension.
Well, it's time for my second cup of the steaming nectar and to pay attention to my dawg before the day commences. There will be daily blogs as I begin the news fast starting either May 1st or Cinco de Mayo. I haven't decided which date is the best to begin.....my little news addict votes for el cinco, as that will give her just a few extra days of newsing around. But it's definitely time to start making my OWN news, and THIS is going to be more fun than a barrel of royals!
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