ANOTHER DAY OF RAINY-NESS. Yesterday as it was literally pouring, the sun peeped out long enough to give me a quick view of a fleeting rainbow. It was very wide, almost discernible on the hilltop line, and faded within seconds. It appeared to end in the meadow outside my gate, which made me actually see "the end of the rainbow". There was not a visible pot of gold, however.
No complaints from me over this extended moisture, except that it may well be charged with radioactive particles from the infamous Japanese disaster, as the dryness of summer will come soon enough. Besides, the pelting of raindrops upon the rooftop of my yurt sound wonderful, as long as the soggy ground does not loosen the roots of the giant oak which looms high above this canvas concoction that is my bedroom.
That's all I have to say about this little subject. It's ROYAL WEDDING week, and that will be another literary ditty altogether.
The photos above are obviously (or not so obviously perhaps to some, hence this post-script) the same view at a slightly different angle and weather condition. It is the creek at the base of my property, which is DIVINE! The gift of water running through one's property is not to be discounted in the least!