Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I mean really people, for a grown man elected to such an important office in our country to embarrass his daughters by announcing their availability and holding up their arms to flaunt them in this regard was downright DISGUSTING!!!
He inserted his feet, both of them, a second time when trying to weasel his way out of his gaffe by embarrassing them further. And how insignificant the little one next to him must have felt not even warranting an introduction at all, all focus was on THE AVAILABLE ONES.
GET WITH THE PROGRAM DUDE - you were on a podium before the American public, respectfully accepting your new position and to thank them for their votes, you were NOT on a slave block trying to flaunt the status of your daughters being AVAILABLE.
What a PIG way to begin your new position. How dare you insult your family, the public and your position. This was more than just a gaffe, it's an outrage. SHAME ON YOU!!!
I mean really people, for a grown man elected to such an important office in our country to embarrass his daughters by announcing their availability and holding up their arms to flaunt them in this regard was downright DISGUSTING!!!
He inserted his feet, both of them, a second time when trying to weasel his way out of his gaffe by embarrassing them further. And how insignificant the little one next to him must have felt not even warranting an introduction at all, all focus was on THE AVAILABLE ONES.
GET WITH THE PROGRAM DUDE - you were on a podium before the American public, respectfully accepting your new position and to thank them for their votes, you were NOT on a slave block trying to flaunt the status of your daughters being AVAILABLE.
What a PIG way to begin your new position. How dare you insult your family, the public and your position. This was more than just a gaffe, it's an outrage. SHAME ON YOU!!!
Planet's Kicking
My poodle just scampered under my desk to the safety of being near my feet as a wind gust just kicked up sounding like the roar of an ocean with 50' waves.
At 5 this morning, I woke up with the usual seismic-sensitive headache to hear the sound of a big tree falling on my property. As it turns out, Haiti was experiencing the terror of the newest 6.1 quake/aftershock at the same time. After the pressure of the plates expelled, my headache diminished.
I'm wondering how many people have seismic sensitive headaches. I figured this out over time, when my headaches always occurred before an earthquake. Now, one will counter, there are earthquakes happening all the time. Seismic sensitive headaches have a different feel than migraines or tension headaches. First of all, nothing alleviates them, and they are accompanied by a different 'feeling' than other headaches. Also, these headaches are always confirmed by an immediate earthquake.
For example, the week of the Haiti quake there were previously the New Zealand quake which was followed by two tsunamis, and the quake in Eureka area of northern California and the quake in Banning California. All these quakes occurred in a short period of time. That time, I had a headache with the quake feel for about 10 days. It wasn't always intense, but spiked at intervals of intensity during the period of time of this seismic unrest.
How many out there think they experience this? I would be interested in your comments and instigating dialog so we may explore this deeper, perhaps write more about it to assist others to decide if their headaches are seismic activated.
I have never heard of this and figured it out myself over time with investigation and correlation of my headaches withseismic events. This is an avenue of interest and importance if through my experience and dialog with others something can be learned. To any readers out there, thanks for reading, please comment as you wish, and DO write me if you think you have seismic related headaches!
At 5 this morning, I woke up with the usual seismic-sensitive headache to hear the sound of a big tree falling on my property. As it turns out, Haiti was experiencing the terror of the newest 6.1 quake/aftershock at the same time. After the pressure of the plates expelled, my headache diminished.
I'm wondering how many people have seismic sensitive headaches. I figured this out over time, when my headaches always occurred before an earthquake. Now, one will counter, there are earthquakes happening all the time. Seismic sensitive headaches have a different feel than migraines or tension headaches. First of all, nothing alleviates them, and they are accompanied by a different 'feeling' than other headaches. Also, these headaches are always confirmed by an immediate earthquake.
For example, the week of the Haiti quake there were previously the New Zealand quake which was followed by two tsunamis, and the quake in Eureka area of northern California and the quake in Banning California. All these quakes occurred in a short period of time. That time, I had a headache with the quake feel for about 10 days. It wasn't always intense, but spiked at intervals of intensity during the period of time of this seismic unrest.
How many out there think they experience this? I would be interested in your comments and instigating dialog so we may explore this deeper, perhaps write more about it to assist others to decide if their headaches are seismic activated.
I have never heard of this and figured it out myself over time with investigation and correlation of my headaches withseismic events. This is an avenue of interest and importance if through my experience and dialog with others something can be learned. To any readers out there, thanks for reading, please comment as you wish, and DO write me if you think you have seismic related headaches!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Bumpersticker Reality
Ever wonder at a stop light reading the car in front of you how you actually can 'SAVE TIBET'??? Every time I read one of those bumper stickers I'm stopped at a light behind the car sporting this demand. I mean really, I'm sitting at a light while running my errands, how am I supposed to 'save Tibet' ???
My grandchildren are the cutest, most wonderful of them all, and I don't sport a bumper sticker stating this fact. How can anyone's grandchildren be cuter than mine, they can't, but I won't make another grandparent who feels theirs are feel inferior, I mean, they never even met mine, how would they know?
I personally don't participate in labeling my vehicle with anything I think. Only once did I sport a bumper sticker, right after the love of my life sent me packing with a broken heart, and it said:
I USED TO MISS MY EX - BUT MY AIM IS IMPROVING I still get a chuckle when I think of that one. And, my aim has truly improved! I don't miss him anymore!! And don't forget to SAVE TIBET the next time YOU are at a traffic signal. BFN
My grandchildren are the cutest, most wonderful of them all, and I don't sport a bumper sticker stating this fact. How can anyone's grandchildren be cuter than mine, they can't, but I won't make another grandparent who feels theirs are feel inferior, I mean, they never even met mine, how would they know?
I personally don't participate in labeling my vehicle with anything I think. Only once did I sport a bumper sticker, right after the love of my life sent me packing with a broken heart, and it said:
I USED TO MISS MY EX - BUT MY AIM IS IMPROVING I still get a chuckle when I think of that one. And, my aim has truly improved! I don't miss him anymore!! And don't forget to SAVE TIBET the next time YOU are at a traffic signal. BFN
Thursday, January 14, 2010
With the tragedy in Haiti comes hints of another MISSION for U.S. military of "PEACEKEEPING" in country racked by poverty and governmental discord. Our military will be used to find U.N. Peacekeeper personnel, their families and patrol the airports and streets to KEEP THE PEACE in the wake of the disaster, according to former President Bill Clinton. With the head of the U.N. Peacekeeping Mission that "has made enormous progress" in this regard, our military "must be used to ensure" the mission continues in the wake of this disaster and is not compromised in this situation which took place right before elections.
At the risk of sounding like an uninformed American (which ALL AMERICANS ARE UNINFORMED!!!) I would have to offer here my opinion, which is: If our president wanted to be a true hero and act outside the box, why doesn't he deploy some troops from the ongoing senseless war to HELP THE PEOPLE of Haiti, instead of bringing in troops to KEEP THE PEACE??? I was disgusted to hear of our troops being used to KEEP PEACE. Our presence in any country doesn't usually keep peace, but serves to antagonize.
If I sound like an uninformed American, it's because I AM, WE ALL ARE, which is a tragedy in and of itself. If we were an informed populace, instead of fed what they want us to hear, we could be more effective in all aspects of life as citizens of this powerful country and be loved rather than hated.
I will continue to write on this subject as I become "MORE INFORMED" - which means going outside mainstream media for what's REALLY HAPPENING.
At the risk of sounding like an uninformed American (which ALL AMERICANS ARE UNINFORMED!!!) I would have to offer here my opinion, which is: If our president wanted to be a true hero and act outside the box, why doesn't he deploy some troops from the ongoing senseless war to HELP THE PEOPLE of Haiti, instead of bringing in troops to KEEP THE PEACE??? I was disgusted to hear of our troops being used to KEEP PEACE. Our presence in any country doesn't usually keep peace, but serves to antagonize.
If I sound like an uninformed American, it's because I AM, WE ALL ARE, which is a tragedy in and of itself. If we were an informed populace, instead of fed what they want us to hear, we could be more effective in all aspects of life as citizens of this powerful country and be loved rather than hated.
I will continue to write on this subject as I become "MORE INFORMED" - which means going outside mainstream media for what's REALLY HAPPENING.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pray for Haiti
This is a day for us all to be grateful (well, every day is, but especially today) for our lives and all our blessings, then focus our thoughts and prayers for those people in Haiti. Donations can be made to
I could not sit and enjoy my coffee knowing of the suffering this moment of so many in this poor country. The Red Cross had issued requests for just a $10 donation
from as many people as possible. When you go to this link, make sure you don't use decimal points in the dollar amount i.e. $10 - not $10.00 as it won't go thru. The destruction is catastrophic and the suffering is over what any of us can fathom as we go about our day.
Any activity you partake in today, please, PLEASE focus healing light around this country and make this small donation. As a unified circle of friends and family, if we all make this small contribution, we will be making a difference on some level to help this situation. I made a donation despite reading of the millions of dollars being contributed from governments worldwide. I did have a moment of hesitation thinking, "what would my $20 do when the governments are pledging millions?" - but I did not let that limiting thought stop me from doing it anyway.
I just wish I could go over and help comfort someone personally and make a photographic documentary so others may gain perspective of the blessings in their lives. Despite our own economic woes imposed upon us by the mismanagement of our tax dollars and trust in the financial institutions that put so many American people into debt with loans that eventually took their homes and businesses we still have much to be thankful for. And while we're at it, let us focus on the worldwide suffering imposed on the innocents from these endless wars that benefit no one in the long run. When you think about it and reflect upon the history of man, when HASN'T there been a war? And to what end have any of those wars benefited any citizen, any mother, any child? Peace is so much more beneficial to all societies, yet those in power or those wanting more power, engage in warfare and have always engaged in warfare at the expense of the innocents.
It is a day to pray for us all. Every day really is, but let this catastrophe be a catalyst to bring us all together in mind, heart and spirit as we reflect on our own gifts and project out our thoughts of prayer to Haiti.
By prayer I don't mean begging to some entity outside ourselves for mercy, change or help, but to gather and focus on the power and strength within each of us, the clarity we were born with, to unite with this energy and embrace ourselves, loved ones and others we don't know in this energy. This is prayer. It is not about religion. In the name of man made religion countless lives have been taken or tortured or both, and continue to be taken and tortured. This is madness.
The madness can only stop in our own minds and actions. Let us practice using our inherent powers that united, is greater than any war machine or the collective greed and love of power of governmental institutions. Let us take our power back, that was never really taken away, as it cannot be taken away, we are only lead to believe we are powerless, and beliefs are both distracting and used against us. We must believe in the power we each possess that was given to us from That Which Created All.
This is a day for us all to be grateful (well, every day is, but especially today) for our lives and all our blessings, then focus our thoughts and prayers for those people in Haiti. Donations can be made to
I could not sit and enjoy my coffee knowing of the suffering this moment of so many in this poor country. The Red Cross had issued requests for just a $10 donation
Any activity you partake in today, please, PLEASE focus healing light around this country and make this small donation. As a unified circle of friends and family, if we all make this small contribution, we will be making a difference on some level to help this situation. I made a donation despite reading of the millions of dollars being contributed from governments worldwide. I did have a moment of hesitation thinking, "what would my $20 do when the governments are pledging millions?" - but I did not let that limiting thought stop me from doing it anyway.
I just wish I could go over and help comfort someone personally and make a photographic documentary so others may gain perspective of the blessings in their lives. Despite our own economic woes imposed upon us by the mismanagement of our tax dollars and trust in the financial institutions that put so many American people into debt with loans that eventually took their homes and businesses we still have much to be thankful for. And while we're at it, let us focus on the worldwide suffering imposed on the innocents from these endless wars that benefit no one in the long run. When you think about it and reflect upon the history of man, when HASN'T there been a war? And to what end have any of those wars benefited any citizen, any mother, any child? Peace is so much more beneficial to all societies, yet those in power or those wanting more power, engage in warfare and have always engaged in warfare at the expense of the innocents.
It is a day to pray for us all. Every day really is, but let this catastrophe be a catalyst to bring us all together in mind, heart and spirit as we reflect on our own gifts and project out our thoughts of prayer to Haiti.
By prayer I don't mean begging to some entity outside ourselves for mercy, change or help, but to gather and focus on the power and strength within each of us, the clarity we were born with, to unite with this energy and embrace ourselves, loved ones and others we don't know in this energy. This is prayer. It is not about religion. In the name of man made religion countless lives have been taken or tortured or both, and continue to be taken and tortured. This is madness.
The madness can only stop in our own minds and actions. Let us practice using our inherent powers that united, is greater than any war machine or the collective greed and love of power of governmental institutions. Let us take our power back, that was never really taken away, as it cannot be taken away, we are only lead to believe we are powerless, and beliefs are both distracting and used against us. We must believe in the power we each possess that was given to us from That Which Created All.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
PROJECT: Save the World - RESOLUTION 2010
Webster's Definition: RESOLUTION - 1. formal expression of intention made; 2. the act of determining upon an action or course of action; 3. firmness of purpose
How far did you dive into your New Year's Resolutions and can you remember without straining what those resolution(s)are? How long did you plan what your resolution would be? Celebrations of the new decade have subsided and we're on the other side, is the enthusiasm you held when forming and announcing your resolution still as strong? Are you feeling the come-down rather than the buoyancy of change?
No resolutions were made by me for this new year. No proclamations or announcements to either myself or others. No pressure. Now on day 6 of 2010, my home went from a ONE on the scale of 1-10 for being organized and everything in its place to a NINE POINT FIVE. The only reason its not a full 10 is there is still one shelf in the kitchen that hasn't undergone my daughter's magic touch, and my junk drawer.
She has come over (she lives next door) when the twins are under their dad's care and tackled my place right down to the closet, the corners and in between appliance and wall. For the past two days she has donated several hours and whipped this place into the shape I've been visualizing and working at slowly (when at all) for quite some time. The eyes and hands of another are always best to tackle such things.
If by the sixth day this miracle has occurred, then we're off to one heck of a start right out the gate.
Sharing with anyone who may actually read my blog, the joy I feel at this accomplishment (without making a resolution to do it) brings me joy. This makes one, perhaps more, teensie bright spots on the planet in the global consciousness and this is a GOOD thing. Thank you for reading my blog.
I've also started being consistent with taking supplements that target what my particular energetic matrix needs. The mission I am assigned and pursuing with action therein requires specific supplements. Multidimensional communication can wreak havoc with the nervous system and skeletal system in particular. This level of communication is pretty regular since publication of THE CHE DIARIES. "Diaries" is a compilation of several journals I've kept through the extraordinary adventure I've experienced during and since my journey to Argentina in 06. Of course prior to the trip I was being groomed for this adventure unbeknownst to me. In retrospect I understand this now. It was a long, intense experience, stretching me far outside my comfort zone and now I'm settled with it. Now I can actually move on with the direction that has come to me through this sometimes harrowing experience without reacting as I did while 'living the book'.
I would be interested if you wish to share with me through your comments on the sort of resolutions you've made, if any, by anyone that reads this blog. Also, any comment(s) you have on any of my blog(s) would be appreciated if they are delivered with kindness. No matter what anyone's opinion is of anything is OK if it is delivered with kindness, because after all, we wish our opinions/thoughts to be heard, not defended against, yes?
I will soon be interviewed on the KVMR radio show of Dr. Haines Ely, M.D. called "EARTH MYSTERIES" regarding THE CHE DIARIES. I will give plenty of notice before I am interviewed so anyone interested can tune in to this well respected radio show. Dr. Ely has some accomplished and interesting people on his show, I am honored to be one of them. Stay tuned, be a bright spot in some way today.
How far did you dive into your New Year's Resolutions and can you remember without straining what those resolution(s)are? How long did you plan what your resolution would be? Celebrations of the new decade have subsided and we're on the other side, is the enthusiasm you held when forming and announcing your resolution still as strong? Are you feeling the come-down rather than the buoyancy of change?
No resolutions were made by me for this new year. No proclamations or announcements to either myself or others. No pressure. Now on day 6 of 2010, my home went from a ONE on the scale of 1-10 for being organized and everything in its place to a NINE POINT FIVE. The only reason its not a full 10 is there is still one shelf in the kitchen that hasn't undergone my daughter's magic touch, and my junk drawer.
She has come over (she lives next door) when the twins are under their dad's care and tackled my place right down to the closet, the corners and in between appliance and wall. For the past two days she has donated several hours and whipped this place into the shape I've been visualizing and working at slowly (when at all) for quite some time. The eyes and hands of another are always best to tackle such things.
If by the sixth day this miracle has occurred, then we're off to one heck of a start right out the gate.
Sharing with anyone who may actually read my blog, the joy I feel at this accomplishment (without making a resolution to do it) brings me joy. This makes one, perhaps more, teensie bright spots on the planet in the global consciousness and this is a GOOD thing. Thank you for reading my blog.
I've also started being consistent with taking supplements that target what my particular energetic matrix needs. The mission I am assigned and pursuing with action therein requires specific supplements. Multidimensional communication can wreak havoc with the nervous system and skeletal system in particular. This level of communication is pretty regular since publication of THE CHE DIARIES. "Diaries" is a compilation of several journals I've kept through the extraordinary adventure I've experienced during and since my journey to Argentina in 06. Of course prior to the trip I was being groomed for this adventure unbeknownst to me. In retrospect I understand this now. It was a long, intense experience, stretching me far outside my comfort zone and now I'm settled with it. Now I can actually move on with the direction that has come to me through this sometimes harrowing experience without reacting as I did while 'living the book'.
I would be interested if you wish to share with me through your comments on the sort of resolutions you've made, if any, by anyone that reads this blog. Also, any comment(s) you have on any of my blog(s) would be appreciated if they are delivered with kindness. No matter what anyone's opinion is of anything is OK if it is delivered with kindness, because after all, we wish our opinions/thoughts to be heard, not defended against, yes?
I will soon be interviewed on the KVMR radio show of Dr. Haines Ely, M.D. called "EARTH MYSTERIES" regarding THE CHE DIARIES. I will give plenty of notice before I am interviewed so anyone interested can tune in to this well respected radio show. Dr. Ely has some accomplished and interesting people on his show, I am honored to be one of them. Stay tuned, be a bright spot in some way today.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Project: Save the World
So here we are in the New Decade of 2010, not just a new year. I sit here in a wi fi cafe, as my modem cord at home went by the wayside. During this inconvenient time to hop on the internet, I am making the effort to communicate herein.
After watching Julie & Julia I became inspired to reconnect with my goal as a high school student to SAVE THE WORLD. When I first expressed this interest as a young lass, I was met with the opinions & judgments of others that this is impossible, or that it was ridiculous. I truly thought I could assist in this regard by putting out my music, who's lyrics were inspiring and thought provoking. Then I married at the tender age of 18 and thus began my decades long distraction by just surviving and insisting I also thrive while living.
Looking back, I did make the most of my time here on earth, and looked at every challenge as a test I was determined to pass. I successfully completed my 'course' on single parenting after a 28 year internship. It is deemed successful because my two daughters turned out to be strong women, beautiful goddesses with great values and families and businesses of their own. I have remained single and successfully completed the course in mortal relationships. That is completed successfully because I learned alot about myself thru them, about human limitations, projections and heartbreak without coming out bitter or jaded. I no longer search for that fairy tale dream as a child was pounded into me that I need this situation to be whole, complete, viable or attractive.
I still play music, although I'm immersed in several expressions of the same avenue of inspiration; that being writing, illustrating, design and creating a life surrounded by beauty and Spirit. I currently enjoy a multidimensional relationship with a powerful and beautiful being who once walked the earth and in that last lifetime achieved historical status of a political mover and shaker. We are involved in a few projects of importance, one being to change his legacy that currently is used for capitalist marketing strategies, distorting what he stood for initially.
He and I have been joined in Holy Relationship as outlined in The Course In Miracles. I will not delve into the details in this post, as if my readership is interested, this is easy to find out the details. I will share the details in another post.
If you are reading this blog, I thank you. And if you comment, I thank you again. I do believe societal change comes from the changes people make within themselves. By knowing a shift is possible and by being open to it. That is all that's needed for step one. The rest will take care of itself.
I have begun this New Decade by eliminating any and all substances outside of myself that alter the clarity of my mind and receiving apparatus. It was not a New Years resolution...just something that came to me to do on it's own accord the first week of December. Having always lived a spiritual life, beginning each day offering my walk to the Divine to 'take the wheel' and I will take the direction It bestows, this shift to desire clarity to come from within and therefore was not a battle and a struggle. It was easy to begin observing my demons and triggers that had me reaching for an exterior substance to comfort me and dim the effects of anxiety, worry, restless mind, sleeplessness, etc.
I don't want my existence to support the pharmaceutical corporations that are insidious monsters of greed at the cost of the people's true well being. To fight this monster is to not support it. Sounds simple, but society has been set up for us to take their multiple products to treat syndromes that don't really exist, but were fabricated by these same corporations so we were lead to support them out of thinking we could not live without their products.
Cures for various illnesses exist, but the drug companies discredit them or even do-away with the founder of the cures so that they receive our hard earned money to take their medicines. Natural medicines were provided for us all and they are in the plants and forests that were given to us as Divine children. But the multinationals are doing away with the sources of these medicines by either making them illegal or erradicating their habitats, i.e. the rain forests.
When one contemplates all this, it could be overwhelming, and we could feel hopeless and powerless as we confront these GIANTS. Our only power is realizing we have a choice and we don't have to announce to the world what our choices are, only that we honor this power and that we all have it. Choosing to nurture our clear minds is one of the first steps. There is much support out there for those making those choices. This blog will serve as one of the many pillars of support for any making this decision. I'm HERE FOR YOU, ONE & ALL. Blessings of the day...Ave
After watching Julie & Julia I became inspired to reconnect with my goal as a high school student to SAVE THE WORLD. When I first expressed this interest as a young lass, I was met with the opinions & judgments of others that this is impossible, or that it was ridiculous. I truly thought I could assist in this regard by putting out my music, who's lyrics were inspiring and thought provoking. Then I married at the tender age of 18 and thus began my decades long distraction by just surviving and insisting I also thrive while living.
Looking back, I did make the most of my time here on earth, and looked at every challenge as a test I was determined to pass. I successfully completed my 'course' on single parenting after a 28 year internship. It is deemed successful because my two daughters turned out to be strong women, beautiful goddesses with great values and families and businesses of their own. I have remained single and successfully completed the course in mortal relationships. That is completed successfully because I learned alot about myself thru them, about human limitations, projections and heartbreak without coming out bitter or jaded. I no longer search for that fairy tale dream as a child was pounded into me that I need this situation to be whole, complete, viable or attractive.
I still play music, although I'm immersed in several expressions of the same avenue of inspiration; that being writing, illustrating, design and creating a life surrounded by beauty and Spirit. I currently enjoy a multidimensional relationship with a powerful and beautiful being who once walked the earth and in that last lifetime achieved historical status of a political mover and shaker. We are involved in a few projects of importance, one being to change his legacy that currently is used for capitalist marketing strategies, distorting what he stood for initially.
He and I have been joined in Holy Relationship as outlined in The Course In Miracles. I will not delve into the details in this post, as if my readership is interested, this is easy to find out the details. I will share the details in another post.
If you are reading this blog, I thank you. And if you comment, I thank you again. I do believe societal change comes from the changes people make within themselves. By knowing a shift is possible and by being open to it. That is all that's needed for step one. The rest will take care of itself.
I have begun this New Decade by eliminating any and all substances outside of myself that alter the clarity of my mind and receiving apparatus. It was not a New Years resolution...just something that came to me to do on it's own accord the first week of December. Having always lived a spiritual life, beginning each day offering my walk to the Divine to 'take the wheel' and I will take the direction It bestows, this shift to desire clarity to come from within and therefore was not a battle and a struggle. It was easy to begin observing my demons and triggers that had me reaching for an exterior substance to comfort me and dim the effects of anxiety, worry, restless mind, sleeplessness, etc.
I don't want my existence to support the pharmaceutical corporations that are insidious monsters of greed at the cost of the people's true well being. To fight this monster is to not support it. Sounds simple, but society has been set up for us to take their multiple products to treat syndromes that don't really exist, but were fabricated by these same corporations so we were lead to support them out of thinking we could not live without their products.
Cures for various illnesses exist, but the drug companies discredit them or even do-away with the founder of the cures so that they receive our hard earned money to take their medicines. Natural medicines were provided for us all and they are in the plants and forests that were given to us as Divine children. But the multinationals are doing away with the sources of these medicines by either making them illegal or erradicating their habitats, i.e. the rain forests.
When one contemplates all this, it could be overwhelming, and we could feel hopeless and powerless as we confront these GIANTS. Our only power is realizing we have a choice and we don't have to announce to the world what our choices are, only that we honor this power and that we all have it. Choosing to nurture our clear minds is one of the first steps. There is much support out there for those making those choices. This blog will serve as one of the many pillars of support for any making this decision. I'm HERE FOR YOU, ONE & ALL. Blessings of the day...Ave
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