Let us all have a moment of love today. Not because all those religious fanatics are spreading fear of today being some sort of culmination of planetary doom, but because there is simply too much hatred everywhere.
My news fasting is not going too well, as I do partake in reading some news. HOWEVER, I don't spend hours on it anymore. I only skim certain headlines, and then go to the commentary and post a few comments here and there. I did, however, cow to the article about the Russian guy who was busted for eating a human liver with his potatoes. The commentary was hilarious, and endeared my fellow commentators to me with their senses of humor.
In skimming today's news, and then the commentaries, it seems HATRED is at an all time high. The commentaries on various articles illustrate this hatred clearly, and I posted some comments and replies to various haters to focus rather on their own empowerment.
HATRED destabilizes our empowerment, renders us with feelings of powerlessness over our own lives, and some people react to that very thing by committing acts of violence against innocent, defenseless creatures. It is a vicious cycle and to me, the only way to shift it is to give ourselves, even if it's only a moment of every day, over to feelings of love. Doesn't have to be focused on anyone in particular, like forcing ourselves to love perceived enemies, etc.....just feel the love in our hearts that created us. The love we hold for others, the love we hold for anything at all...just focus on that feeling of love. Just for even a moment.
I highly recommend the book: COMMANDING THE UNIVERSE by Andreas Satori. It is a system not a religion or a belief, that we can simply begin using to shift things in our own lives. It works. I haven't won the lotto yet, but then again I haven't bought a ticket. Besides, there's SO much more to life than money and the struggle for it and the struggle one has without enough of it flowing into their lives. This book will assist in the raising of our consciousness without being attached to any deities, religion, belief system or science. It just IS. Out of all the books I've read over the decades on all the subjects of healing, spirituality, self-help, etc., this one book is THE most vital of them all.
May this blog entry spread L O V E even for a moment, even to one person out there. Know this: we are all loved, not judged, by that which created all.
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