With the headlines blaring on my Yahoo! homepage, it was difficult to not get sucked into the goo. I did read just a couple of paragraphs into the killing of Osama bin Laden, but then the only thoughts were "this is all crap" ~ so I happily just checked my email.
William & Kate caught my eye with their "sensible" beginning of married life, and I did succumb to reading that very brief article. Although the news page held out delectable temptations to read more about this adorable couple, I happily resisted. Match dot com doesn't even hold my interest. I've received several winks this morning and one who sent me a message saying "you look like a movie star and I'd like to be friends." I skimmed their profiles briefly with no interest or the pangs of "maybe this one" as in pre-fast days.
Honestly, after a weekend of experiencing a lovely home-style friendship of CMR sharing, long walks with the dog and preparing delicious meals, complete with lots of laughter, the news page holds my interest NOT AT ALL!
As I said I'd report personal progress that occurs with the extra time I have, it has come to my attention that I have an actual title and a degree in a field who's name I myself have discovered: Genetology. I am a genetologist. I have already begun "the paper" on this new science which is: The study of the effect of genitalia on human behavior and the human decision making process. Your amusement is guaranteed, as mine is over the top on this one, folks. The discovery of this term and what it means found me laughing my arse off, and that of my friend. There will be more on this very fascinating science, one of quantum controversy, on another blog. Stay tuned, friends and fans, for more riveting details on both my NEWS FAST and on this exciting new discovery in science!
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