THIS JUST IN: I've just learned from a most reliable source that at a funeral of a lady I didn't even know, I, ME, MOI, was a topic of discussion!!! I don't know exactly the nature of the discussion, these details have not yet been revealed, however, one lady, whom I DO know of leaned over and said, "she took my husband."
Gossip is a pain-body activity, and is usually based on non-truths, exaggerations and judgments that are always inaccurate. Gossip is shared between people who in order to feel good about themselves, must have "something to say" about a person that is not present, along with some story that maligns that person. Others of the same level of personal growth, lean in with interest to listen to what that person has to say, giving the gossiper those desired moments of feeling important, "in the spotlight of attention". Then the other participants will add their two cents worth of judgments and what they might "have heard" to add to their own feeling of importance in those seconds they have the attention of the others. I feel the need to add here, a tidbit of enlightenment for all women who's husbands left them for another: There is NO ONE that can STEAL another's HUSBAND. No perfect marriage will find one of the partners straying from the sanctity of their union, either emotionally or sexually. You must face the fact that your marriage had holes in it that you chose to ignore for long enough to lose the interest and respect of your partner. If a woman or man insists even 10 years after their spouse left them, that they are the victim of having their partner stolen, they have not looked at their role in the dynamic of the situation, have taken no responsibility for the breakdown of their marriage, and is not getting their share of the growth opportunities that come from such an earthly experience. The eternal victim learns nothing, but in fact propagates further pain body activity. This pain body spews gossip. The circle goes round and round and the reasons for their life situations are nothing more than feasting material for their ever-growing pain-bodies, when in fact, any and all of inter-relational situations are but growing opportunities for our OWN selves. I have taken my share of the responsibility for the above mentioned gossip that continues to go around this small town. It doesn't effect me that one of my names has been turned into gossip fodder. I have several names and may yet have several more, so if one of them is trashed, this means not only NOTHING to me, but is quite possibly a marketing potential for something I've created and wish to sell, be it an idea or a book!
As an empath, I can FEEL the vibration of gossip going on, but I choose to let it drop away and not adversely effect me. Women who feel they must gossip about another and propagate a pain-body story, simply highlight publicly the fact that they don't have a life of any significance and are parading their own sense of powerlessness. My sympathies are with you, dear lady, and my hopes are that you indeed find your purpose, as you certainly have enough financial resources to not continue such self-demeaning activities and can actually put GOOD ENERGY on this ailing planet. I find it humorous that I am discussed at funerals of people I don't even know. There's no telling how many circles I am discussed in, the participants taking glee in trashing the name of someone they've never met and certainly have never even had a conversation with. This illustrates the purpose of reincarnation, as people assuming no responsibility for the events in their own lives, continually blaming others, have lots of lives to live until they "get it". May I recommend you invest some of your financial fortune into treating your ailing sense of self with some CELLULAR MEMORY RELEASE sessions....I can refer you to a fantastic practitioner! Taking responsibility for our life's events is not easy and sometimes downright painful. It's like walking over hot coals. But, it's part of our reason for being here, which is an age-old question: the reason for our existence..."why am I here?" ......a question that has been pondered since the onset of the thinking human.
This of course leads to my recent discovery of the new science of Genetology, not to be confused with Genealogy but it is the reason genealogy exists! More on this topic in another blog....stay tuned!
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