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SNOW BOMBS DROPPING onto the yurt have me OUTTA THERE at 3:00 A.M.
At first, Cheyana, my loyal poodle, cuddled up really close after the first hour of the wet snow bombs dropping out of the overhanging old oak and onto the canvas roof of my yurt over my bed. It was rather unnerving, but I COULD stay sleepy, especially with my large red dawg right beside me.
But then...the snow bombs got heavier and had way more mass and were dropping more rapidly. We went to the door, I had to reassure my dog that the yurt was not being invaded by wild animals, which the previous weeks, it had been....skunks, raccoons, other members of rodentia scurrying beneath our sleeping quarters, thus giving us both sleepless nights. Cheyana would be up pacing the perimeters of the yurt hearing sounds I did not. But TONIGHT, a snow bomb would drop so loudly, she'd jump up and look at me, I could read the words in her eyes: "Mom, WTF is going on here!!!!?"
Finally, enough was enough. It was sounding so deadly, that neither of us could take it anymore and here I am, safely at my computer, within the sector of the cabin that did not have the old oak looming over it. The only word/idea I could think of to have it okay to be up at this unghadly hour was BLOG.
So....I've done the healthy good girl thing: I made some instant organic oats, actually ground some flax seed in my new coffee grinder that I'm using just for this new and improved purpose (we need our fiber!) .....and then made some coffee. It beckons me with it's heavenly aroma this moment as I type. Do they still call it "type" - I can't say KEY, that sounds comment this blog, fans, and let me know if TYPE is still literarily correct. Yes, I know 'literarily' is NOT correct, but it gets the point across and it's to f*#$@* early to give a rat's azz.
My coffee beckons and oh, yes, I almost forgot: even BEFORE I ingested my healthy sustenance, I found, photoshopped and resized my yurt images for your viewing pleasure. Au Revoir......
P.S. It is so loud in that yurt right now, that I wish I could give you the sounds to accompany this body of work. I will share the story and photos this spring (or sooner) when this deadly oak tree gets cut and craned out of here by my trusty professional, George Basso. Fotos of his fine ass hanging in the trees with his massive chainsaw will accompany that blog......stay tuned......where the fun NEVER ends!
Good old fashioned discipline seems to be viewed as CHILD ABUSE. Like proper nourishment and love, children NEED discipline. They test boundaries before they can even make a full sentence, and it is this testing that REQUIRES the discipline of the parent to actually BE the one in charge. To sit them down and reason with them is like explaining physics to a fish....would you engage a guppy in such dialog and expect it to comprehend?????
I have two grown daughters that I've raised without their father. (Their father was the result of being spoiled, entitled and thinking they don't need to be responsible for their children, having been coddled and not taught by their own ignorant parents) I am of small stature and do not have a deep, manly voice that the father figure has which can more easily command the respect of the child. Yet, I was able to command the respect of my children and I did discipline them as needed. Each child is different, and the disciplinary requirements for each child is different. It is up to the parent to be aware of what each child needs.
My eldest was a firey, strong willed girl who required spankings (not beatings, not slaps in the face). These spankings were not applied out of my own anger. Quite the opposite. If she angered me, I would deal with my own emotions first, and then calmly tell her why she was going to need a spanking and to come to me and place herself over my knee. I never grabbed her and flung her over my knee out of anger, yelling at her while I applied my hand to her butt. I never used a belt, spoon or riding crop, I told her how many swats she was going to get, and it was very effective.
A forgotten fact that I came across as a young, single parent was that spankings originated because the nerves in the bottom had a direct connection to memory. To spank for a reason the child was aware of, and keeping that awareness in the forefront, ensured the child a better chance at remembering to not repeat the inappropriate behavior/action/verbiage*. (*When they are older and talk back)
Spankings are a tool that has been blown out of proportion by those ignorant bastards that abuse their children out of sheer ignorance or for their own satisfaction. Spankings are not about violence when not administered by an angry parent.
My younger daughter was a totally different child than my eldest. She responded to a firm voice and an authoritative "look", and responded favorably and immediately. I only had to give her one spanking when she was about 8. It is up to the parent to understand what works for each child and then to DO IT. Being consistent is KEY. When I see parents being inconsistent I cringe, as that does not promote respect from the child, and in fact promotes another set of ill effects. Besides consistency, one must be true to one's word.....never threaten a child with some punishment or consequence that you have no intention of following through with.
Parents need to have a clue about self discipline in order to effectively administer discipline when discipline is required. It's not just about spankings, either. Discipline is not giving a child what it wants because we have our own conditioned responses about not having gotten what we wanted as kids. Proper discipline in the myriad situations it is called for is not punishment, but guidance. It is not about anger or violence. Quite the contrary. It is about awareness and being conscious of the long term effect of our own actions and behaviors on our children.
Children are small and under our guidance for a much shorter amount of time than the time they will spend as adults away from us; we don't have a very big window to instill self discipline and guidance. It is what we instill in these precious first seven years ONLY that will mould how they will be for the rest of their lives.
After the romance of the pregnancy and new baby cuteness wear off, parents get less interested, I observe. The work required of the parent is neither fun nor easy. Good parenting requires self discipline, consistency, dealing with one's own emotions effectively and being tireless in all of these ways of being. Without applying all this for the first seven years of their lives (and continuing throughout their adolescence), you will live with the consequences of putting a new generation of disrespectful, lazy, entitled and very unpleasant individuals on the planet. Not to mention these kids have no interest in LEARNING anything or READING ACTUAL BOOKS~! How is a teacher supposed to correct all this in a class of 30 kids??? They are teachers, not magicians!
Both of my daughters turned out as well balanced individuals. I cringe when I see some of their peers interact with their children....when a 5 year old speaks to her mother like she's a lowly servant and the mother does nothing to correct this despicable behavior, yet gives that same child every material thing the child whines for.
I enjoy watching both of my daughters parent their children because they understand the concept of discipline and consistency, and are well aware of who is in charge. My daughters both respect me and adore me and still seek my advice occasionally. I did not seek their acceptance of me as their friend when they were small, the place of respected parent is an honorary position, and not to be confused with friendship.
I watch today's generation of parents interact more with their cell phones and texting their friends then being PRESENT with their children. Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME I see a parent walking their little one in a stroller, they are engaged in a cell phone conversation and are not present with that child. They are not interacting with their child at all. The long term effect of having a parent that clearly is disengaged with their child, but gives all their attention to some little device is showing up in the classroom. The students learn disengagement and laziness from their parents. Children are mirrors for us. If that concept sounds foreign to any parent reading this, then I suggest you yourself do some homework on self improvement and personal growth.
Natalie Munroe, the English teacher in Pennsylvania, who this morning is being 'disciplined' for speaking the truth about the current mostly worthless generation of students, is a very important messenger. She is bringing to light the worthlessness of the whole system. She displayed the courage to express a truth that nobody wants to hear or acknowledge. Another case of the messenger being shot, because the message delivered is not what people want. Being open to the truth takes courage and a desire to improve---two things that are sorely lacking in humanity.
Teachers are not paid well and under the gun to make up in the classroom for all the years of the inconsistency, laziness, indulgences and spoiling these breeders have imposed upon a new generation. They are not parents, they are simply breeders. Parenting is an art form, the child has the potential to be a masterpiece or a black spot in humanity. Unfortunately, there are very few masterpieces in this bleak and blackened state of humanity.
Seriously, the whole online fishing game has gone from entertaining to B O R I N G! As in real life, I'm finding men to be all the same.
Didn't want to have a negative cellular memory regarding the MALE human animal, but they themselves are cultivating this in women. After a history of having an open heart, a hopeful attitude toward finding/attracting and moving forward with a man, the results have always been the same. Of course these results came in a colorful assortment of scenarios that all resulted in either heartache, disappointment or both.
After each love gone wrong, I focused on not letting that particular experience shut me down to romantic love. Paramahansa Yogananda said "friendship is the highest form of love" - not romantic love. Romantic love is based on ego gratification and genital interaction. There, I said it. The very strength I possess that attracted a man was the very factor they came to feel threatened by, a need to control and a desire to destroy. Now that's healthy. That last one took the cake. Yes, I learned a lot from each experience, and was always able to pick myself up, dust myself off, get out the glue to piece back my broken heart and usually, thankfully, write a song about it. I have produced and recorded one CD of such songs, and have many that are not recorded. I had two daughters to raise and I wanted them to not be man-haters - so to do this, I couldn't be a man-hater myself.
One time when the girls were older, I exclaimed "I'm hating men right now and I'm not gay, what does that leave me?" my youngest answered "Alone!" Ah, the wisdom of children!
I've been alone for six years this month. It's been lovely, really. I've learned photography, photoshop, painted a series of canvases, trained and continue to train a canine companion, and a host of other personal growth opportunities-including the creation of this beautiful website - oh, and I almost forgot - I published a book. It's amazing what a woman can do when not involved in the struggle of a relationship who's partner wants me to be subservient, invisible and living in the shadow of their male greatness.
So in the spirit of being open to love and not loving my solitude to the point of getting stuck in my ways, I've listed myself with a few sites that cover all the potential bases for love/money/chemistry and arrangements. At first I found it very entertaining, as I don't watch TV. But after much correspondence and a few that seemed genuinely interested, they just seem to evaporate. I must say it's a bit discouraging, although many have advised it takes months of being active on these sites and wading through alot of toads (not frogs!) to MAYBE find someone to have a decent date with.
I thought I've heard all the bullshit, but my eyes were opened to some very new flavors of bullshit, kinky weird, scary bullshit. Who knew there was a medical torture chamber in the Trump Tower! I really don't want to go THERE!
Is there basic human love out there anymore or do men just want to play games, run control trips and use their money, success or manhood to continue to keep up the illusion that they are superior to women?
Truly, the dog being called 'man's best friend' was the wisest observation since the roundness of our planet. Of course mankind is doing its best to level the planet into a bleak, flat lifeless thing. The male-dominated CHURCH did in fact place under house arrest and ex-communication that wise observer that discovered the roundness of our planetary home. Control, control, control.