(e dik shen) : n. The state of being given up or having yielded to a habit or practice or something habit-forming, as narcotics (or Facebook!) to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma [
I love my giant unabridged Random House Dictionary, a gift given to me by dear Ned, a friend now deceased with whom I shared the experience of his heart transplant in Stanford 16 years ago.
So, why is this my topic this early morning? Well, I'm ADDICTED to writing in the early morning, whether in my hand-written journal or on this blog. As we all now know, I WAS addicted to YAHOO NEWS, but have not read one article this morning and went straight to my first addiction: steaming java with frothed vanilla cream and then sit down to enjoy that with this.
Well, I also didn't answer that first question: why this topic? Well dear readers, we are all plagued with SOME FORM of addiction, even if it's being addicted to saying one is not addicted to anything, because to cease not being addicted to something, a trauma on some level would result. Which brings us to another word:
TRAUMA: n. 1.Pathol. a. a body injury produced by violence or any thermal, chemical, etc., extrinsic agent. b. the condition produced by this; traumatism. 2. Psychiatry. a startling experience which has a lasting effect on mental life; a shock.
So our first definition relates to the pathological aspect, while the second relates to the psychological effect.
It would truly be startling to wake up and not have this cup of coffee and instead take the dawg out for an early morning walk, like VERY early, because I wake up really damned early no matter how late I stay up reading or streaming Netflix documentaries. I honestly don't need no effin coffee to wake up. I simply LOVE the HABIT of brewing it ~ LOVE the aroma as it teases my olfactory nerve ~ LOVE the sensation of anticipation as I pour my frothed and steaming vanilla half 'n half over the deep umber liquid and the foam, ah, the foam! The computer awaits me with the lull of it's monitorial glow and I sit before it with this cup of celestial delight as a concert pianist sits before the enormous Steinway to begin her Carnegie Hall performance. (Yes, we are being a bit dramatic here, but such is the rite of a writer)!
But "WHY", we ask, "WHY THIS TOPIC???" ~ Because...in using the power of those UNIVERSAL COMMANDS, this topic is one of the responses of the universe moving shit around to make one of my commands a reality.....namely choosing clarity of my own mind, clear direction of my life's purpose this time around, and having my soul in command over my mind with my ego behaving itself silently, waiting to serve ME when I call upon IT rather than the other way around, which is the basic curse of human nature.
Like I've told you in my previous blog on the subject when I recommended this book ~ UNIVERSAL COMMANDS WORK. In the book, when addressing the articulation involved in forming effective commands to run your life from your place of empowerment, (not a sniveling, whining little insignificant piece of powerless sinning shit that the Catholic dudes in those weird hats would have us believe we are) it is recommended to look up words for intended use in a dictionary that gives it's Latin root, because a word that sounds appropriate, like "want" - neutralizes your request and your command is not only worthless, but provides for you the opposite effect of what you are attempting to manifest, because 'wanting' means 'lacking' and if you are expressing to the universe your lack of something by saying you want it, you will continue to manifest that which is lacking in your life. (If you must read this sentence twice, then do so, because it is the only thing that makes sense of everyone's lacking enough resources for their lives to be easier and their continued 'wanting' things to go better!)
Hence, my love affair with the dictionary escalates. As I've always loved dictionaries, this love affair may now enter into the territory of an addiction. (Insert big laughing and winking icon here) See how the cycle just goes round and round? Why fight it (?), we are on a spinning planet going round and round, around a sun that goes round and round, in a solar system that goes round and round, etcetera, etcetera. It's only gravity that keeps us from getting dizzy. And we come to learn that gravity, our friend, turns out to be a foe to our youthful appearance~I mean just look at the effect it has on our perky young breasts and our firm, collagen-rich dermis? Are we laughing yet?
The good news is, I don't put any Bailey's in with my morning jo nor do I sneak little shots of vodka out in the shed, splash on my perfume, and think I've fooled everyone. I can't even fool myself anymore, the gig is UP! Besides, thinking one is fooling others, one is only fooling oneself. Because in the end, if your 'extrinsic agent' of choice is as destructive as alcohol or drugs, what does the addiction serve other than the demonic side of the ego? Life is a wrestling match with the demons until one comes to accept their presence without thinking one must engage in a battle with them. The demons in the form of addictive substances (extrinsic agents) will always be present on the material plane, but like our own ego, we must use them without letting them run us and taking over our empowerment. How can you enjoy a cocktail when you have to sneak a shot just to continue the game of thinking you need it in order to function? I'd personally rather have a few beers every once in a blue moon, and enjoy the silliness it evokes for an hour or so, but then again, people DO drink to act like me, I'm just naturally silly when I'm in my natural habitat!
From our place of empowerment, the true REVOLUTION begins, and our global societies are in need of a revolution, for the extrinsic agents have run it into the ground.....the revolution starts WITHIN us. GO FOR YOUR EMPOWERMENT people! Surrendering to addictive tendencies regarding substances that poison the body is giving up your own empowerment. The bad guys, the greedy ones in power, want us all to be addicted to something, it keeps the people out of touch with their own awesome power and keeps THEM in power.
Just look at the energy it takes to maintain an addiction? Just look at how it destroys life, trust, families and the very person hosting the demon? There are demons and angels and both are present at all times.....it's YOUR CHOICE. Being told it's a disease gives the addict an excuse to further give over their power of choice. CHOICE is not just a word, it's a POWER. Disease, whether it's cancer or an addiction is indicative of an IMBALANCE. CHOOSE TO BE BALANCED, and see how your life unfolds. Choose to use your EMPOWERMENT!