Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Morning to my Friends One & All:

Well, my daily blog has turned into a monthly thing. This has been to my overlooking this activity. My friend's house burnt up and I've been assisting him w/dogs, etc. Luckily, his two doggies were NOT in the house and it was only STUFF that burned due to electrical issues. But this is not an excuse for one promising a daily update. It just has not become a HABIT yet, but after reading my one of two comments, and it was Kim's, it has fired me back up. Kim, you are a MOST interesting fellow and I can't wait til you read my book and give me the insights you receive from it. I have read some of your online information and there is ALOT to you. Many of your interests overlap with mine. We love the same music in almost the same order, but trance being first and classical being second.

Living the sequel to the book has a totally different feel to it than the experience with Che I wrote about in the first book of my discovery of what was happening and the integration of his spirit energy matrix into mine. That was soooooo KICK ASS.
Now that we are settled 'within each other' we are doing the healing work that was spoken of in the first book.

I listen mostly to South American music and don't even bother with the music on my list of previous favorites, although they still are what I love to listen to, the time now dictates South American music. It comforts my soul as it comforts the soul of my matrix companion.

I am now being directed to compile my journals since the writing of the last book to present and present a sequel to the book and then get it in screenplay format to present to the ones I will be directed to send it to.

My one children's book frequently mentioned in DIARIES is about finished. Hand sketches in the finest detail so the artwork looks like the photos I took in Argentina take a very long time. I have completed ten and was looking forward to drawing 20, but I'm cutting back so the bloody thing just gets FINISHED.

I'm also recording some music at my friend's studio who is my webmaster and co-creator of my entire presentation. He is a wizard and a musical genius and much fun to work with. He takes the ideas I express and presents them in material form either doing graphic work or musical composition. I am so grateful for Robbi Spencer's presence in my life as mu creative companion.

Well, we don't need this blog to be a novella, so I will save some of what I want to say for tomorrow, as I cultivate this habit. A typical OCDer, I write sporadically but can sit here and write this one blog post to be very long. Soooo, dearest people that find me interesting enough to follow my blog, and check out my entire website and even purchase the book, know I appreciate you greatly and want to hear from anyone who purchases the book so we are all united.

Much love, Ave Guevara

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