Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Planet's Kicking

My poodle just scampered under my desk to the safety of being near my feet as a wind gust just kicked up sounding like the roar of an ocean with 50' waves.

At 5 this morning, I woke up with the usual seismic-sensitive headache to hear the sound of a big tree falling on my property. As it turns out, Haiti was experiencing the terror of the newest 6.1 quake/aftershock at the same time. After the pressure of the plates expelled, my headache diminished.

I'm wondering how many people have seismic sensitive headaches. I figured this out over time, when my headaches always occurred before an earthquake. Now, one will counter, there are earthquakes happening all the time. Seismic sensitive headaches have a different feel than migraines or tension headaches. First of all, nothing alleviates them, and they are accompanied by a different 'feeling' than other headaches. Also, these headaches are always confirmed by an immediate earthquake.

For example, the week of the Haiti quake there were previously the New Zealand quake which was followed by two tsunamis, and the quake in Eureka area of northern California and the quake in Banning California. All these quakes occurred in a short period of time. That time, I had a headache with the quake feel for about 10 days. It wasn't always intense, but spiked at intervals of intensity during the period of time of this seismic unrest.

How many out there think they experience this? I would be interested in your comments and instigating dialog so we may explore this deeper, perhaps write more about it to assist others to decide if their headaches are seismic activated.

I have never heard of this and figured it out myself over time with investigation and correlation of my headaches withseismic events. This is an avenue of interest and importance if through my experience and dialog with others something can be learned. To any readers out there, thanks for reading, please comment as you wish, and DO write me if you think you have seismic related headaches!

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